Amber Technology Blog

Make Music Day 2018 - June 21

Written by Leon Hart | 25/05/18 02:29

In 1982, under the leadership of Maurice Fleuret, the French Ministry for Culture created Fête de la Musique - or Make Music Day – in and effort to revolutionise the way society celebrated music. A 1982 study showed around 50 per cent of children played a musical instrument and so Fleuret imagined a day where music would flood the streets, cafes, parks and bars for a single day of the year; France's Summer Solstice (21 June, 2018)

At a time where Hip-Hop, Rock and Disco were starting to colour the music scene of France, it provided a platform for people with varying tastes in music, to come together and celebrate all that ‘music’ meant. The free event would be a festival for everyone, from all walks of life, to join in celebrating.



Today, just under 8 per cent of the country (5 million people) have either played or have sung in public at the Fête de la Musique. Incredibly in 2017, it was celebrated in over 800 cities worldwide.

Amber Technology are proud supporters of Make Music Day. We supply a range of live music equipment for all kinds of musicians, sound professionals, events, performances, and sound production:

Cordial Cable
DPA Microphones
Dynaudio Professional
Jetcity Amplification
Radial Engineering
Solid State Logic (SSL)
Tannoy Studio
TC Electronic
TC Helicon
Van Damme Cable

How to Make Music on June 21?

Getting involved is easy - a downloadable tool kit is available in the RESOURCES section of Make Music Day website.

When you decide on an event you can REGISTER IT HERE.