
Amber Technology Blog

Bluesound Professional

Posted by Karin Cahill

13/02/24 11:04


How is Bluesound Professional different to Consumer Products

If your business installs background music systems in cafés, bars, restaurants, salons, retail stores, medical/dental centres etc, then you’ll be pleased to know that Bluesound Professional is the world’s only purpose-designed range of streaming audio hardware for use in commercial spaces.

Here are nine features which differentiate Bluesound Professional from consumer products-


1/ Rack-mounted hardware

2/ No power switch (prevents accidental power off)

3/ Professional +4dBu output level vs -10dBV consumer products (improved signal-to-noise)

4/ Balanced inputs/outputs on phoenix connectors (secure and reliable installs)

5/ Enhanced security (password protection, no built-in Bluetooth or Airplay)

6/ Specialised control options (check out the CP100 keypad)

7/ PoE-powered speakers (greatly simplify installation and sound terrific)

8/ Speaker modelling files for simulating performance in large spaces (EASE GLL and CF2)

9/ Better for business – no direct sales and disruptive online sellers


Visit our website to learn more https://www.ambertech.com.au/brands/bluesound-professional


Topics: innovative, Bluesound Professional, Different, Rackmounted harware, No power switch

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