Our commercial Integrated Solutions team has demonstrated the innovative Learning Glasstransparent whiteboard at the AETM - the association for Audiovisual & Educational Technology Management Conference earlier this month.
We had lots of interest in this technology, which allows the lecturer to face the audience while writing on the board. A camera flips the image onto a display screen so that the audience can see what is being written. Our General Manager Richard Neale is pictured demonstrating the product.AETM 2019 was held at Monash University in Melbourne, AETM creates a great opportunity for education AV professionals to see, learn and connect.
With a specialised trade exhibition, vendor technology previews, case studies of new installations by AETM members, in-depth site inspections, and of course networking throughout, our time at an AETM conference was one to remember and a great opportunity to network.
Learning Glass was created by Dr Matt Anderson, Physics Professor at San Diego State University, Learning Glass allows lecturers and presenters to scribe instructional text and drawings onto a transparent glass board, while the audience can see through to the scriber.
The Learning Glass lightboard has internal lighting to illuminate clear and crisp writing or drawings, while electronically flipping the image to enable the audience to read text in the correct direction.
Learning Glass technology provides K-12 to higher education institutions, businesses and media production companies an innovative solution to deliver engaging and informative content, while improving the viewer’s experience.
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