James Loudspeakers offers a range of solutions that provide a real cinema experience.
James Loudspeakers offers a range of solutions that provide a real cinema experience.
Topics: AUS
Posted by Karin Cahill
04/03/22 10:58
Discover the power behind intelligent prompting when the next generation of prompting is demonstrated on Amber Technology stand B8 during METExpo.
Topics: AUS, METEXPO2022
RTI Music – MS-3 In Stock
The rack-mountable MS-3 three-stream music streamer delivers native streaming from within an RTI system with full Spotify integration - not just Spotify Connect. RTI is the only leading control system to offer this capability. Other supported streaming services include Apple Music (via Airplay), Sound-Machine (music for commercial applications), TuneIn and iHeart Radio.
Topics: AUS, RTImusic, RTIcontrol
Posted by Karin Cahill
18/02/22 12:18
Great value, great quality, high performance HDMI cables. Simple and easy.
Topics: AUS, hdmicables
Posted by Karin Cahill
18/02/22 11:58
Sonance have a solution for every home.
Topics: AUS, marineseries, outdooraudio, gardenseries, satellitespeakers
PoE (Power over ethernet) is one of the most convenient innovations in network technology. Where normally two connections are made for networked devices; a network connection and a power connection; a PoE enabled device receives signal and electrical power through a single RJ45 ethernet cable connection. Advantageously, Bluesound Professional’s well-known line of PoE+ and PoE++ network active loudspeakers including the BSP200, BSP500
and BSP1000, reap the benefits of this one-wire solution. Here are some key benefits of opting for a PoE speaker for your next commercial audio install:
Topics: PoE+, AUS, Bluesound Professional, network technology
The Today Show Australia recently featured a great story on smart home technology, and we were thrilled to see a home created by RTI dealer Mitch Taylor from Taylored Tech in the first half of the segment. This Sydney home has comprehensive integration featuring an RTI system that includes:
Posted by Karin Cahill
14/12/21 16:34
Are you having difficulties securing projectors from your suppliers? We can help you solve that problem!
AVer's Vision: Every time we support a classroom, we honour our commitment to creating a brighter tomorrow for communities across the globe.
Topics: AUS, NZ, classroom technology, aver learning
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